Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sometimes in life we don't always feel like a winner;
So if you have a sweet tooth for pies, brownies, cupcakes and even cookies. CALL MEEEE! ;DD
The holidays have been sooooo boring lately. I only went out ONCE with Fazriny to Curve and we watched Rapunzel. It was hilarious. And the guy sitting next to me( I know what you're thinking, cute and hunky eh? WRONG! not even bloody close-he was in his late 40s, disgusting and laughs like Santa Claus) was even more hilarious, according to Fazriny. He was PICKING HIS NOSE. Andd, not in a way where he was trying not to be seen. It was some intense digging man, like he was going through a coal mine. EEEEEE.
Speaking of Santa, Christmas is like next week. Super excited. BUT! I'm so disappointed I haven't gone out yet for Christmas shopping. DDDD:
you disgust me, bitch.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
When I'm with you everything dissapears;
Well it's been long my fellow ghost readers. I know no one comes to this blog anymore but it fills my time. So here I am.
It's been a really busy week with all the preparation going on. It's all over now. (:
Friday, November 5, 2010
Logan Lerman is the Sex;
I saw the cutest guy, or shall I say boy ever. EVER. Like so dreamy. He had long hair at the back like a, er , like a mullet. Yeah LIKE A MULLET. That's the word I was looking for. The way he eats is like so adorable. Too bad for the age difference D: He's probably like 6 or 7. O:
Okay so it's official. I'm stupid. Like plain dumb. :/ dang! I hate my results. I dropped like a thousand marks from last term.
My pee is shiny! Idk. One day I just looked at my pee and it was shining! I suspect that it's a....vampire. Yes. I know what you're thinking. How could it be O: Well, my pee is the living proof of it.
Y'know, sometimes I feel like my parents are so embarrassing. Do you ever feel like that? I mean, you know, sometimes they just don't realise that they're so old. And the way they do stuff expired like a billion years ago. I love my parents and all but, sometimes they're kind of embarrassing. Like how my dad always changes places in the restaurant - the guy is kinda big, and for him to stand up and sit some where else and repeat it again and again, well, it's bound to make people look right? - and it's just so annoying.
OHH my mom's the best man. She scolds you in public - like out loud with hand gestures - er, excuse me mom, i know you're angry but do you want to do it in public where people stare and point at you and laugh. I don't.
Ironically enough, maybe our or maybe mine are embarrassed my us/me. Well it could be possible. I'm such a goof all the time. And I break everything I touch. So yeah. I understand their embarrassment.
Nicki Minaj makes nice songs. I mean her voice is kind of funny. It's like a hamster from a cartoon show. heh. You're a chihuahua. ;D
You know how it's Deepavali and all. I mean I'm not racist but must they play Tamil songs all the time? No one speaks Tamil anymore. It's like a dead language. Like Latin. But it's kind of annoying, if you know what I mean, the songs are so noisy. And you don't even understand a single word she/he is singing. I'm just saying. I have nothing against Indians.
I finished reading 'Jinx' and 'Teen Idol' today. I'm totally in love with the characters(hot guys). (: The way the author describes them makes me melt. ((:
My brother made that up. He claims he heard my dad say it and is all woo-ed about it.
He's weird when it comes to these stuff.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Have a little Faith
EXAMS ARE OVER! I'm so happy and excited for the holidays! But not Sundays. Gonna start badminton soon. Screw you.
Anywaysss, I didn't really study much tho during the exam period. Normally I would study past 3 in the morning, now I can't even go past 10 without yawning. I watched alot of television and slept at 10, woke up at 10. It was so nice. Oh how I loved those days (:
DAMNIT! I'm so freaked out about the results. I didn't really study much. DAMNIT! Should've studied harder. OH WELL!
sigh. I don't know whats gotten into Mei Ping. D: ARE YOU DEAD YET? Missing school for 3 days during the exams.
So I guess it's time for the results now. I'm so worried. I really really don't wanna get bad grades D: I really wanna do good this term. Actually, everyone wants to do good every term. :/ DAMNIT! There are tons of smart people in my class.
ciao for now ;D
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The world is going nowhere.
So today was not boring but instead superrr tiring.
Went to ou with Joey from 11 something till 5 ;D
We shopped and I bought 2 dresses and 1 bangle that surprisingly, was quite expensive for so little stuff.
Then we watched ' Charlie St. Cloud'
OMGOSH it is sooooooo nice
Anddddd, Zac Effron is like sooo superrr HOT!
We didn't plan on watching a movie but we had alot of time left, so yeah.
I can't wait to go out again with Joey.
She picked all the nice stuff for me (:
After that, we went back to her place and I learned how to play the ukelele.
It's not as simple as it looks.
Actually okay la , it's just that my finger damn retarded. ;D
It was fun.
I'm so glad to be home and clean.
Mostly clean.
My feet is so sore right now.
We walked back and forth in the mall.
OHH and did I mention that Fazrini and Mardiana were there too ;D
How awesome was that?(:
You've turned to dust. And slowly, you will fade away from my life. I'm just waiting for that day now.
I'm pretty satisfied now (:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
There's something about you that's so addictive.
So I decided to skip school today. And my phone likes to lag. I seriously need a new phone. So it's PMR now and everyone is so worked up about it. Well I mean, I get it, it's clearly a really important test but what I don't get is why people get extra worried for this test. Our finals are also an important test. It's just a test.
Anyways, I'm just sitting here waiting for something to hit me with something to write about.
Sad songs get to me. Like seriously get to me. They're such evil poops. I don't know why I just reflect songs to life. I know it's weird but whatev.
I tried cutting my fingernails with a scissors yesterday. It was my first time! Kinda difficult to cut but it was worth the experience ;DDD hahah.
Darn it! I haven't done my art yet and it's kinda due today D: That's kind of the whole reason I didn't go to school today and also the lazy hormones. ;D I was suppose to do it today but unfortunately I didn't.
Why am I so invisible? Am I that easily forgotten? People think they understand what I am going through, it may seem like nothing to other people but trust me it's a heck lot. Don't try to pretend to be my friend, I'm not blind. But lately, I don't know who the hell I am.
I guess this is it for now. sigh :/ God alone knows how long it took me to write this short post ):
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Keep It To Yourself
Well, I haven't been blogging for like a week i guess? Yeah, I was really really lazy. School is quite tough. I mean exams are really near and I can't handle the pressure, at least not now.
I actually thought that today was 30/9/10 OO: and I wrote that on the temporary library card. HAHAH. And yesterday I wrote 29/9/10 in my maths book. I'm so outdated ;D HAHA. get it? no? okay ):
Y'know I seriously don't know what to blog about but then it's like I don't want to be like some people that do not update their blog for like a month or two. ;)
So I shall talk about homework! AHHH! I've been finsihing my homework nowadays. Thanks to Audrey. Cause she's always doing her homework so somehow, I don't know how, I also follow her and do my homework. IT FEELS GOOD! ;D
There are a few embarassing things that happened to me last week but somehow I just can't remember what it is. OH WELL. Too bad for you then ;D hehehhehe.
I wish I had a friend that would always understand me. To be my best buddy. Able to talk about anything anytime and knows whats going on in my mind. Some one I could cry to. Someone that is willing to listen to me for once. Someone that would be there for me ALWAYS.
If only it existed :/
I can't remember when was the last time you thought of someone else instead of yourself, or maybe in this matter, me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Watchin' Tv and Drinking Wine
Well, I haven't updated my blog for quite sometime now :/ And I made it private. My reason for doing so is because I didn't know what to do with my blog. Idk. I just felt like deleting it y'know. But all the time wasted on blogging would go to waste. So yeah I just didn't know what to do with it.
So nothing much happened recently. Erm, it's the holidays now. Holidays for 2 weeks ;D How awesome is that?! :D Okay so a weeks worth of holidays has gone by. Damn that's fast D:
Last Wednesday, Joey slept over. It was fun? I guess.
We took lots of pictures ;D Yeah so that was it. We talked alot too.
I'm supposed to be studying but I'm just too lazy. I'm TOO into the holiday mood now :/ Exams are like in 5 weeks? sigh. BUT
I studied Sejarah a little. Like chapter 7 and 8 only. ANDDD, I've got tons on homework to finish up. Cik Norliza gave us over 300 hundred questions for homework and we have to find the meaning of the words too OO: WTF!
I notice that I use 'yeah' and 'so' very often. So often that it even bugs me sometimes.
For 'some' people that like to comment on my blog. Well here is some news for you, I'm not gonna put a chat box in my blog. And I'm not gonna change my links and I'll do whatever I want with MY blog. Don't like it? TOO BAD. So yeah. Don't tell me what to do. If you think it's stupid well kindly leave. The X button is on your top right (:
Don't say you're sorry cause I won't listen
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
I live in your dreams;
I watched Salt yesterday! OMGOSH, awesomest shit ever mannn ;DD It needs a lot of brains to think. Quite complicating in the beginning but then it all starts to make sense in the end.
So yeah, I went to ou with Liann, HuiJune and Adeline. We ate sushi and we went shopping. I saw some nice stuff at Kitschen but I was too lazy to buy ): haha.
I had so much homework yesterday ): Had to do billions of komsas and art. But art was fun though (: I had so much fun painting with my brother. ;D
sigh, so much for doing my homework tonight ): haha. I'm like totally distracted right now. I'm talking to Kelvin and we're like making stories and stuff ;D SO FUNN!
I wish I still had you. But then again, my life would still be miserable with you in it. So would you kindly fuck off? And stop stealing my friends please. They were mine first -.-
You're one heck of a sick bastard ;)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The clocks ticking;
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I cry.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I crave for insanity
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I just have to cry you out;
I don't particularly like it when people say stuff like "me no likey you" or "me likey you". It irritates me. And if you say it too much, my brain malfunctions and it goes akjhdlgfiwakqdfjklvheiobfwacegf (: So I'll probably just smile and change topic before that happens.
I'm so not prepared for my piano test. I'm freaking out! I'M A DEAD DUCK! ;P gay ass. I wish I was a pro pianist ;DD Well we all wish for many great things in life.
Seek and you shall find,
Ask and you shall receive,
Knock and the door opens.
Church was quite nice today. I actually paid attention (: SEE, I'm nice and humble and cute like a rabbit cause they're small and fluffy and they don't bathe as often as my brother. In fact, they don't bathe at all. I wish I could be like them. I don't really like to shower :/ lazy (: yeah back to church. It's soooo niceee laaa. I tell you, it really helps alot. When you're in need turn to God! Well not only when you're in need laa. You have to give him thanks and everything. God is like you best friend y'know. He may be quiet at times but he's working his magic secretly behind your back trying to help you ;D and He will always be there for anyone, you just have to open up to him (:
So I was reading the bible today and somehow I never knew that there were so many interesting stories in there ;D I'm forever changed ((:
I cannot stop blowing my nose ): and I keep having nose bleed cause I blow my nose too hard :D haha.
I've been emo this past few days cause there is like NO ONE to laugh at. I wore a hairband to school and Dharmiisha and Lecus kept on looking at my forehead ): I have a big one btw. ((: means I'm smart ^^
And Jun Wei may have a sweet and innocent face but there ain't anything sweet and innocent about that dude. He's rude and doesn't care what other people think. So I've been giving him life lessons (: I know you're thinking I'm not exactly the kind of person you should take 'life lessons' from. Well first of all cause mines f*cked up and kinda my fault and other betches too.
According to 'some' people, I have become bitchier -.- yeah thanks alot. and how's your life? oh great? yeah that's cause you stole all of my friends. BETCH! i hate you -.-
I WANT A NEW PHONE!! So many choices((:
your fault, i hate you -.-
Me no likey blogger ):
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
sick, twisted, brilliant?
I like you.
But you are very selfish,
You only think, talk, worry, care about yourself,
You may be nice
but I know you're a real betch inside.
Ian is now seated at the back of the class :/ FML
I have noone now
Monday, July 19, 2010
Irene Rocks socks :P
I will believe in everything I do. Somehow that's suppose to make me feel happier but didn't work. FML :/ School is so bloody idiotic la ): Things will change, i hope.
So today was the first day sitting next to Audrey. I miss my old place so dearly. If only if only... ((: Ian doesn't really talk to Yo Kie tho. Well, we're still in the process (: When I step into class, I automatically look at my old place )': It's so hard to talk to Joey now. And I can barely see Liann or HuiJune. AND Sean's head keeps blocking every time I'm talking to Joey -.-
I'm a happy person, at times. It depends.
In fact, I'm actually a bitch/witch according to someone. He says that there's no difference when it comes to me. yeah of course I got angry. Then I got sad, then angry again.
Hmm, yesterday I went to ou with Joey. Fazrini couldn't go ): She had some family emergency.
It wasn't that great. I only liked the part when the vampires and ware wolves were fighting. SO COOL! ;D
So many HOT guys in this world. but non in my BM tuition )':
OMG OMG tuition so super funny maaann :DDD We laughed so much. heeee(: i made friends. Well actually that's cause I was too SHY before Lianne and Audrey came. Now I laugh like crazy ;D Brandon and Callum are such idiots (;
I have to breathe without you but I have to. I'm taking it slowly.
you know it's never simple or easy.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Scratch my foot (:
sigh, sadly we're changing places on Monday.
Everyone is talking about it in school.
Our teacher is mean.
So yeah, now, I'm really far away from Joey and HuiJune.
We're like all the way across the classroom ):
look on the bright side (: Ian is still near me ;DDD
He's in front of Audrey and Audrey is next to me ((:
hmm, but I'll miss all the random talks and stupid jokes.
It's been so super fun sitting with Ian, Joey and HuiJune.
sigh, well we're just changing places, it's not like we're changing classes
so I don't see why I'm so sad about it
maybe cause I've been sitting with them for 7 months?
Although Ian and I fight a lot
but it's kinda fun ;)
So yesterday was my schools headmistress' retirement ceremony or whatever you call it
It was really touching
even though I don't like her
but it's always sad to see someone leave ):
And the performances wasn't all that great either.
I heard that the morning session did WAY better.
So now I'm kind of looking for a new phone
at first I wanted the Xperia x10 cause I like phones like that(:
but then I checked it out and it's not all that great
so any suggestions? (:
I wish I could stop but it's not that easy. I'm working on it tho ):
hmm, byeee(((:
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tell me the story once more;
Hmm, as usual I always forget what I wanted to blog about. So in the end I'm stuck with this :/ So I guess I'll just have to talk about school.
School is okay only la. Could do better. Still hate a lot of people. I always wanna kill myself each day I step into class. ladada. and life just got even better ( i don't really mean that )
I'd give anything to live in peace. School's can just go and die in hell man. Hate it so damn much.
Tell me a reason why I should be nice? Well actually there is no reason. Being nice or not is up to me. And somehow I chose not to. Why? Because I'M NOT NICE! that's why. so PHARNEYY hor? :D I'm actually kinda half dead right now. headache sucks so much. I don't wanna go to school cause I'm too lazy.
My tuition teacher says that I do not express myself enough when I write and I need to be more creative. -.- I'm not creative at all. I suck at being creative, if that was a subject I'd fail on the spot. Oh wait, there is a subject for that. It's called art. Well I failed that too(last year at least)
So the next time I write an essay I'll do it in CRAYON kay? then that'll show my creativeness ;DD
The last time I freaked out
I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking about
HUI WEI! I miss you so darn much. I wish you were here so I could tell you everything. I need you so much now :/
Steal my heart away from me, it's no use to me anyways :/
I changed when I fell in love with you, now I wanna change back.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
So many words for the broken hearted;
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I'll say a little prayer for you;
Sunday, July 4, 2010
There's too much going on in my head;
So anyways, today I learned in Sunday school about the key to happiness. I personally liked this topic. I mean all this time I've been trying to make myself happier but I always fail and for once I actually listened in Sunday school (:
So the real question here is:-
Is happiness something that has to be learned?
Yeah, in fact it is. Well most people may think otherwise. Instead they believe that happiness is having what they want when they want it. All of us wish for happiness, it's like our one true desire in life; to be happy. Well have you ever felt not fully satisfied after you've gotten what you wanted? Cause I've felt that way before. Like there's this empty feeling inside? Maybe it's too small to notice but it's there. All the time.
It takes wisdom and goodness to know where real happiness lies. Sometimes we find happiness; sometimes we don't.
I found happiness in my friends. It's fun to be around them but somehow there's still something missing. I feel happy but inside I'm still sad.
I'm so sick and tired of being sad all the time. It's like 24/7 sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. Everyone is getting sad nowadays. I can tell that Ian ain't always happy inside. And Joey's pain, it's like I can feel it for her. There's too much sorrow among us. I wish I could change things.
Joey and Ian are awesome friends not to mention HuiJune as well ((:
I won't hate you for what you didn't do. I brought this onto myself. But you're still leaving me hanging here. You can't avoid forever. And the more you avoid, the bigger this hate for you is gonna grow. So I only have one thing for you, get the hell out of my life.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I wish;
So anyway, tomorrow is report card day and my dad is going to take my report card. Cik Norliza is kind of a douche, she doesn't allow us to take back our report cards ourselves. Instead we have to bother our parents when they're busy. Okay I don't see how I'm making sense here. So I'll stop.
So I'm like in the middle of doing my Sejarah project but then I'm too lazy to continue. I've done most of it, I just need to print :/ I'm afraid that I've missed out something ): sigh, I'll check it out tomorrow, too lazy to do it now.
It's hard to forget, it's painful when I remember. It still hurts me to think of what we were last time. We were friends and always having fun and being random with each other. Now we take a glance of hate and regret. This is what we've become, we took this on each other. I guess it was fate and we weren't even meant to be friends :/ Well now I'm wishing that you never existed. I think I would have been happier without you. Nothing makes sense to me now. I hope you're happy. You just ruined every single feeling in my body. Do you not notice all this pain you put me through? Not a single bit?
Now, when I look at you, hate fills my mind.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I wanna know when all the leaves begin to fall;
Well anyways, school starts again O:
Why do I have that feeling that the weekends past so quickly.
I haven't done any of my homework and corrections.
I'm super lazy la.
I had a bad dream last night.
Something to do with taking a cab home from Thailand -.-
I gotta stop watching horror movies :/
ciao (:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tomorrow is a mystery to me;
I won't pretend anymore
I'm sick and tired of waiting for something
that will NEVER happen,
You'll never own up to it,
I didn't expect much,
I just thought maybe there would be a chance you would.
But stupid,stupid me.
Well lesson already learned,
Never fall in love unconditionally.
Go and don't come back, please.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I'm falling out of love;
So basically school started a few days ago. I feel like I didn't spend my holidays well ): OH WELL! hmm, a lot of bad results came back. Especially my Sejarah. The worst ever! From 90 to 65 ?! yeah well I'm over it now, I cried out all the pain(:
I can't really blame anyone for it
BUT me ):
I guess I'll just have to try harder next term! WHEE~
Life is all about craziness and some other crap. School is really fun, always full of laughter and shit, literally shit. I can't really complain about it though. Except for some minor problems but it ain't gonna bring me down ;DD
I may look really sad in school sometimes but actually I'm thinking of what I'm gonna have for dinner ((: Not really just sometimes.
I finished my art folio already. I never did my folio last year so I didn't really put much effort in this years one. I also watched loads of movies. My favourite one of all is Dear John. Its so sad and dramatic. Its a romantic drama. I cried so many times. I don't normally cry in movies. The only other movie I cried in is Titanic. Even though I've watched it a billion times, I still cry when the guy dies ):
Yeah so, Channing Tatum is so HOT! He is like Steven Strait no.2!!!
My previous post was a bit harsh, that's what people say. BUT I don't see what so mean to talk about them like that when they do it to us all the time. So any Europeans out there that hates Asians, well we hate you too, thank you very much(:
But seriously my life is so screwed. I wish I lived in Wonderland you know, where you can have tea all day long. Play till the sun goes down and rises up again. (: Have fun and be a kid again(although I don't really think that I'm THAT old) What I meant by 'kid' is to be free. Have all the freedom in the world and you wouldn't even have to care of what goes on. The worst that could happen is pooping in your pants in PUBLIC or maybe your classmates stealing your food ): who knows. But I'd be one sad kid if my classmates ate all my food LOL not really ;D
I like babies!(:
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tweedledee & Tweedledum
So anyways, I just got back from Thailand yesterday or should I say two days ago since it's already 12.34 now. So yeah, I went to this island called Koh Samui. It was really nice and HOT. I mean I could not stand the heat. It was like being in an oven. The sea wasn't too clear though. It was all full of fish shit and yeah, you get the picture. It was really gross but not too bad. Maybe cause I've been to better places than this but the thing that ruined my holiday was the fucking EUROPEANS.
They seriously got problems man. They're all(mostly)damn fucked up man. Especially old hags. And they like to stare. Has anyone told them that it's rude to stare? -.-' Fucked up bitches.
So my family and I were in a restaurant for dinner then this European couple came in and sat at the next table beside us then she started whispering(talking normally but she was putting her hands together, I think she was abit drunk) to her husband in front of her then she started laughing like crazy and she was looking at us.
SERIOUSLY, like does she have problems with Asians? -.- WTF is her problem man, I mean come on Europeans are a bunch of useless idiots put on Earth to be hated by people. So when i was leaving the place, I passed her and I was mouthing bitch to her(: I think she got the message pretty clearly. Reasons why Asians are better than them;-
1) We shower! unlike them , they can go a week without touching the tap.
2)We don't have pubes growing on our ass cheeks -.- On the beach you see many old European ladies in bikini's and they don't shave. How ewww is that?
3) We're not that thick skin. I've seen old fat women in bikinis, IT'S NOT NICE at all!
4) We're not fuckheads like them.
hmm, that's all I can think of now. I actually got more reasons but I can't really remember.
oh well(:
but I gotta give them credit for their uber hot bodies. There were tons of well toned guys with their wash-board abs. So dreamy(:
Well overall, most of them are really screwed up bitches. And their existence here is no use what-so-ever. I mean they've been put here for only two reasons, their awesomely hot bodies and they're meant to be hated by people. And everyone has an idiot like them in their lives. Even me.
The idiots in my life are the fucking Europeans and some other shitty plastic bitches. Oh well that's life.
So moving on,
today I saw Vivian at the Curve and she was on the phone and I heard her say
" OMG I just saw Rachel Ng in Curve" then she shouted "HI RACHEL" and I waved back. Isn't she just so cute ;D
Well I'm kinda tired now. Got loads of homework to complete tomorrow :/
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
When my world is falling apart;
You know actually I wanted to blog tomorrow but I got bored and I can't remember the things I wanna blog about ): This always happens to me.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
and I feel dreadful now.
I remember a few days ago I was doing my art, the muka taip. Then I was searching for logo's that I could use. So then Lianne told me I should search for all the different types of Google designs. And it was so AWESOME! They have so many that I could not keep my eyes off of them ((:
I'm like super happy now la ): I'm so happy that I'm sad, makes no sense right?
I'll smile the whole day through ;D
I shall go paint my nails (: WHEE~
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What if I played you like a toy?
I can't really feel happy in my situation now. Things are happening too quickly. Besides, I really don't wanna know my marks at all. I know I did really badly this term and its so disappointing because I studied my butt off this time. sigh. I can only hope for the best!! (:
Steven Strait!!
He is truly the sexiest man on Earth, not kidding.
Y'know, today when I was coming back from school, my dad fetched me home and he was talking on the phone to one of his managers complaining about the workers and he this;-
Dad- Kerbau pun boleh kerja macam mereka. Lebih baik saya ambil kerbau untuk buat kerja ni kan? A cow also can do it better than them la.
Then i said to my brother,
Me- eh, isn't a cow, lembu?
Shaun- yeah it is.
Me- Kerbau is a bull la -.- not a cow.
Shaun- No its not. It's a buffalo
Me- ohh. (dumb blonde moment )
so yeah...I'm officially dumb. Even my 11 year old brother is smarter than me -.- I'm am truly embarrassed. NOT REALLY.
Anyway, then my brother told me a lame joke. And he is starting to bullshit around me. WTH!
I'm actually very pissed right now but I'm trying to control my feelings. And the worse part is that I can't do anything about it. Why do you like to this to me. I'm always so worried of what's gonna happen next, what else do you want from me? Haven't you had enough ? Cause I have. I'm always confused, you leave me hanging all the time. Is it nice to always avoid? Well reality check, YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET AWAY WITH IT!
I don't really know what to say anymore.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So anywhooo, school was really funny today. I heard so many lame jokes. Although they're lame but its seriously damn funny.
I'm like so happy laa that all my problems are GONE! Finally man. I've been like waiting for this day for a very long time. I can now smile properly. WHEE!!
P.s I'M SO MUCH COOLER THAN LIANNE LOW and so is my message tone. ;DDD
Saturday, May 8, 2010
There's really nothing left to say anymore.
Well, school isn't ideal, friends too ): but who cares((: Okay so here's the thing, I'm kinda use to it already i guess? I mean all these bullshit happening all at once, I kinda don't give a crap about it anymore. Erm, I'm kinda lying cause actually I do but I just gotta do one simple thing tomorrow then I won't give a rats ass about it. -.-
So school these past few days have been fun? Lots of laughter with lots of different people. School's okay la if you minus that bitch *pukes* I think I've changed, I don't know how but I have. I do know that I've been getting angry easily these days. sigh. I don't know whats going on with me nowadays. BUT I can't get distracted cause exams are like in a few weeks time! Oh oh and I'm done with my KGT like from Thursday. I was too lazy to blog about it.
I've been wanting to blog for quite some time now and now I finally get the chance to. So yesterday I was webcamming with Lianne and it was extremely fun. We took lots of funny pictures too. We also forgot to save most of them. And I was talking to this 10 year old guy on facebook that goes to my previous school. AWESOME right? ;DDD So the conversation started like this;-
Him-hey who are you?
I- erm Rachel, kinda obvious
I-how old are you?
I- Hoho!! and you go to school where?
Him- Taman Megah
I-EH! I use to go to school there!! :D
Then I ended the conversation cause I think I scared the poor little boy. HEHE.
Well what can I say, I'm just too adorable for him to handle. WHOOPSIES!! :DDD
I remember I have more things to blog about but the thing is I freaking forgot what I wanna remember to blog about O: LOL I'm so old. ahahaha.
So, I just came back from a wedding dinner. It was really fun. The food was great too. And the place was decorated so beautifully. It was seriously a damn nice place :DD I had a great tim. It took my mind off things for awhile and my cousin and I took some of the flowers that were put around for decoration. I took a white rose. I don't know why nowadays I kinda like the colour white. ((: Maybe cause it's pure, LIKE ME!!
OHMYGOSH!! Tomorrow is already Monday and time is just passing to fast for me to even to breath properly. SHEESH!
I really really don't wanna go to school and face disgusting people. I can't look to my right or left O: both sides make me puke. So I guess, I have to get done with that 'thing' quickly.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What the world needs now is a little bit of true love(:
I kinda like that word..sounds so bimbotic((:
Anyway, this morning I was watching a video on YouTube. Its called The Annoying Orange. And it's seriously funny. I watched it with my mom and even she agreed. Then I was watching another Annoying Orange video without her and she said 'You better not watch these kind of videos too often it will rot your brain' then she said 'Oh wait, I think it's a little too late for that' in a joking way of course. ;DD My mom thinks she's funny. SO NOT! And she's like addicted to belts O: Well enough of my mom, she's a very boring topic.
So yeah...this afternoon, my brother and i were catching fish in the pond inside our house. We caught a lot but we forgot to let them go so most of it died D: So sad right now. Then my dad scolded... DD: even sadder. So then I decided to fish in the smaller pond outside my house. I can't fish in the bigger aquarium cause there are only big and expensive fishes there and they might break my net DD: If they die, I'd probably go with them D: Okay moving on, so when i was fishing in the small pond, I saw a dead fish that was already half eaten and it stinks BADLY. Kinda disgusting and I think it was a Goldfish.
Oh, and my dad wants me to take up golf lessons O: FTW! I HATE GOLF! Like seriously hate it. I can't freaking swing the golf club properly ever since I was young. Okay anyways, I want to learn how to type with all of my ten fingers. You know I'm only typing with three fingers. And yet I can still type fast. HAH!
Well that's about it. I feel like I'm forgetting to talk about something else. But who cares. I can't remember and I don't feel like stressing myself right now.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
When random becomes stupid ;D
Had many laughs with HuiJune, Liann, Syafinas, Charissa and a little bit with Sean. Well that's cause I threw his pencil box into the rubbish bin. HILARIOUS!! ;D and HE HIT ME with a piece of folded paper..IT HURTS ALOT. So anyway, I brought my phone to school today and we took some pictures. It's very little actually..around 12 I think. I had fun(((:
Today was fun i guess. It didn't suck that much. That's all i guess. ciao ((:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Prince Charming
I hate people. (kinda obvious) Well I only like some people.
Today was HORRIBLE man. The day freaking sucks like plain old black shit! SEE SO MANY ADJECTIVES BEFORE 'SHIT' cause it really stinks that badly. sigh. I hope it gets better tomorrow. I really do.
There are so many things on my mind right now. I really feel like killing people. Being angry and upset the whole really sucks. I mean when I'm angry over something, it's like I'm naturally gonna be angry at everything else and every little thing that happens, I will get angry even when sometimes its just over a small thing D: Get it? No? Yeah well it makes more sense in my head.
Give me another chance
I'm heartbroken
Thursday, April 15, 2010
You're my ecstasy((:
I'm not going to school tomorrow ;D and I'm already so hyper ;DDDD WHEE!!!
Yesterday, Liann, Jo Leng, Vivian, Charrisa, Yo Kie and Joey came to my house. It was SUPER DUPER FUN! We camwhored ALOT. Especially me!!! Well cause my hair was really good that day, it was Liann's camera so i wanted to abuse it..nyehehe and I LIKE CAMWHORING...teehee ;D We took LOADS of pictures BUT so sad that Liann is having them and she hasn't uploaded any yet)):
Anyways...I'm so happy I'm not going to school tomorrow. I can sleep all day at home WHOOPIE!!! ;D I actually thought that this would be a LONG post but somehow its like this short. LOL. Well i guess I'll have to make it SUPER DUPER LOOONGG ;D teehee((: I'm really hyper laaa. Ohh and today I brought my seedlings to school and they were like so healthy till i BROUGHT THEM TO SCHOOL. Plants of any kind DO NOT BELONG IN SCHOOLS WITH CHILDREN. More like animals. The stupid people from the Chinese class touched my plant till everything looked like shit. I was so upset when I saw my plants semi-dead. I was so hurt in some sense cause I SERIOUSLY took a lot of care of my plant. LIKE SERIOUSLY i feel hurt. It's my baby((: Then when i came back from school i forgot to bring clothes to my grandmother's house so I had to wear shorts to tuition D: And it was really cold. I had to put my file on my leg to block the air-cond. My own personal shield.. Oh oh and did i mention that I have a PIMPLE on my thigh. It's really funny and PAINFUL. It's already white and yet I still can't seem to POP it.
Irene called me an 'asschecker' but i kinda agree a little. I mean if a person walks in front of me while walking up the stairs where else do you expect me to look O.o but not in a perverted way la of course. I BET NOW YOU GUYS WILL NEVER WALK IN FRONT OF ME EVER AGAIN. Just in case I check out your butts LMAO!
Well I can't remember anything else so I guess I'll end it here i guess :D
Ohh wait I just remembered something! Vivian's bottle squeaks when you suck the water LMAO
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I'm tired of playing this little charade
These past few days in school have been AWESOME! The teachers barely teach and students aren't even in class. Hui June and I have been hyper too :D It was really funny. I drew a mole on top of Hui June's mouth using my pen and I seriously couldn't stop laughing. And the laughing led to messing up the mole ;D So yeah it was a mole gone wrong. Hilarious :DDDD ohh... and and my beans finally grew :D they're like so tall now and really healthy WHEEE!!! Okay this was just a short post.. bye(:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Squashed NUT babeh!
School isss soooooo funnnn and I'm still hyper from last night! WOOHOO!:D and and I think I'm going crazy :O SEE so many extra letters in my wordsss :D If i keep this uppp I think I'm gonna fail my English. hehe. well I'm already doing bad enough. So now i need to read THE DICTIONARY. pfft like that's ever gonna happen(:
That's all for now; BYE
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The wheels on the bus go round and round
MY BEANS HAVEN'T GROWN CLOSE TO 5 CM AT ALL. A disaster in the making. well not really but that phrase just sounds kinda nice :D i was so hyper today in school especially during ICTL and KyuHyun is like SOOOO HOT!!! *drools* hehe
I fell on Tuesday( I'm not gonna tell you how cause so many people laughed when i told them) meanie D: Now there's a big bump on my right leg :D its nice to touch :DD
Damn it now i cant freaking change the font back.
gahhhhhhh!!!! it changes back to smallest. dang it! i can't use 'damn' cause Joshua doesn't let me he says its a bad word LOL so i'll use 'dang' LOL
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through town.
It's been stuck in my head for quite some time :D
Saturday, April 3, 2010
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Joey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You've been by best friend since std 5 and it may not be long but you'll always be my best friend, for as long as i live. I really hope you get what you want for your birthday(: We've shared so many memories over the years. As we grow older, we seem to understand things more together and i think we don't fight as much as we use too :D I also hope that you and Shannon last. Your past relationships didn't work out so well cause those guys were jerks but anyway you've got a way better one. And you're happy. That's all that matters(: I love you Joey and once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Yeah so, schools getting easier as time passes. I mean I'm getting use to all the stress. I'm also reading more books(: and spending alot of credit D: but I'M GOING SHOPPING ON SUNDAY WITH FAZRINI AND JOEY and the best part is that LI ANN CAN'T GO. nenenebubu(: *points to junwei* *wink wink*
It's so late right now. Actually not very, it's only 2.04am but I think I'll be heading to bed soon. I'm getting pretty tired. I wonder what I'll do tomorrow *wonders* :DD
bye, goodnight(:
MOM, stop reading my blog. thanks mom(:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Cause I'm not gonna save you
So here are my marks;
*I'm not gonna tell my math marks
Although it doesn't count but who cares :D Well, there's always mid-term. Gah, mid-terms are always harder than the first term. So I'm determined to try harder next term. That means study now! NOT! :D
erm, i just simply say but cause i dint know, it kinda sounds funny. Like the word underwear. Really funny :DDD
Well this was just a short post..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The ground is shaking from all of our mistakes
Monday, March 22, 2010
I never thought I'd find someone so beautiful like you
-Okay well so I'll tell you what happened when i went there :DDD
On Tuesday:- I reached Shanghai at....Oh shit i can't remember..haha okay so anyway. A bus took us to Suzhou, then i stayed there for one night only. It took us two and a half hours to reach there.
On Wednesday:- I visited the silk factory and my mom and aunties bought like loads of stuff there la. And as usual if my mom is shopping it'll definitely be a LOOONG time and loads of stuff to carry. And there are no chairs anywhere, I think I was there for about more than two hours standing and looking at silk cloth -.- So then we left for lunch. After lunch we left Suzhou and went to Hangzhou. The trip there took 2 hours too. I slept alot in the bus. Somehow i sleep very well in moving cars. I'm weird i know ;D
On Thursday:- We went to this lake called West Lake. Its like ginormous. And it was really windy that day. But the lake was really beautiful. Then we went to a temple i think. The temple was like huge and the roof was full of coins...??? I don't know why too. Maybe they think that if they make a wish and throw a coin on top of the roof of the temple their wish may come true. Idk la. Sounds kinda stupid to me.
On Friday:- We shopping and around the town. Walked ALOT. The hotel was really awesome! And their toilet is see through and there is just a blind there to scroll up and down...nyehehe :DDD We spent a long time shopping there and that was all for that day.
On Saturday:- We left Hangzhou in the morning for Shanghai. The journey to Shanghai took 2 and a half hours. When we reached there we went to this place where they sell Chinese medicine. Then after lunch we went shopping in a place i have no idea how to spell but it was really dirty and unsafe. It was something like Petaling Street. Maybe worse :O Yeah then over there i bought nothing still. As usual my mom and aunties were shopping in one store for 2 hours i think till they closed. Cause they close early there. When we went back to the hotel then had dinner, we went for a boat ride :DDD it was really beautiful with the lights on the buildings on. It made me realise what a shit hole Malaysia is. Like seriously -.- So after that we shopped again -.- but this time i bought something :DD hehe.
On Sunday:- Everything packed in my suit case already and i went shopping again :DD but i didn't buy anything cause i "didn't feel like it" lol and my baggage cannot hold anymore stuff D: Then rushed off to the airport and back to Malaysia!
Well, that's all. And overall, the trip was not bad. But people spit everywhere like seriously EVERYWHERE. That's why i always look down to watch what I'm stepping on and also because i stepped on pee in China that's why i was so cautious. So the story goes like this. My cousin and i love to play. Like seriously hyper kind. And so we were visiting some temple/ museum of old stuff. And that place was freakishly huge and lots of floors. So we were done downstairs and we were ahead of everyone else so i asked the guide whether we could go upstairs; he said yes. And that place has like 5 floors and there's a lift but we didn't take it cause it was too slow. So we ran up the stairs. We wanted to go higher than the second floor but it was blocked so we thought it was a restricted area. Then we went out to see and we climbed this stairs outside the second floor and it was WINDY! and that's not a good thing cause its fcking cold. But the scenery was just gorgeous. Ohh and it was in Hangzhou. I forgot to add it in just now :D yeah so then we went back down and found that no one was there anymore so we thought they went to the second floor. So we went upstairs and they weren't there and we thought they couldn't be above the second floor . So then we panicked, ran around the temple/museum and it was horrifying. Mainly cause we thought we were gonna be left in China and never go back home( stupid right?) and because we knew that if our parents found us, our mom's especially will surely scold us. So then we thought they went back to the bus, so we checked but they weren't there. Then we decided to just sit outside and wait. Wait for what? No idea. Then one of my aunties found us and we were of course in alil trouble. Then they were leaving already so before we left, we all went to the washroom and we got lost again ;D more like the adults couldn't find us cause we were suppose to wait for one of our aunties to come out of the washroom but we were too tired to stand so we found chairs on the other side of the room and sat there. Then we thought what was taking our aunt so long, so we checked the washroom and she wasn't there so we went out and bumped into her and guess what? We got in trouble again :DDD so then we ran down to the bus and we were ahead of them again and then we hid behind one of the buses parked there and we smelt something. Then i said 'eh, why so smelly one? Smell like toilet.' then she looked down and saw something wet on the floor and it was yellowish in colour. She burst out laughing and said 'You stepped on pee' then continued laughing again and we quickly got out of there of course and we went to the bus and she told whoever was in it. Then obviously i washed my shoe. That's all. The end of the story. So funny right? I got lost twice and stepped on pee.
Well i got to get on with my essay right now. Haven't started anything at all. Not even my name is written on the paper -.-
Goodnight and bye(:
Monday, March 15, 2010
I can always make you smile..(:
I don't know why I'm blogging everyday now.
Maybe cause I'm happy and I won't be here from tomorrow till Sunday D:
So today was my theory test.
I went there late D:
What a great way to start of an important test.
Then i opened the paper and I didn't know what was the Italian terms D:
My precious 4 marks are gone ):
And the best part is, I actually studied that Italian term.
It's a sad story D:
Yeah well that's all the past now :D
Yeah anyway, somehow I've got nothing to post about...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I love you, you love her
So, anyway tomorrow is my test and I'm like not ready at all. I'm so afraid to fail. Firstly cause it's embarrassing and secondly cause I don't wanna re-take the test and deal with my teacher nagging at me D: So yeah all the best to me i guess.
Well, that's not the only thing bothering me right now. I try to forget and get on with it but i just can't. It'll always be there. D: lalalala..... I hope all will be forgotten in the morning
I wish that everything could be easier D:
Well learning Italian Terms are hard cause they suck socks! No, seriously they suck like poop! They're so hard and confusing and i can barely even pronounce it properly -.- But still i have to try to remember. I CANNOT FAIL MY TEST AND FEEL THE HUMILIATION AND GET NAGGED BY MY MOM AND TEACHER -.- It's frustrating D: yeah okay :D I'm all better now i guess. I'm trying on my mom's coats and seeing which one to bring to Shanghai on Tuesday. It's lots of fun :P cause she got like tons of them. Thick and thin ones too :D Whoo!!! I'm somehow happy now.LOL.hehe. OMG i just cannot stop! I'M WEIRD!!! :D Oh shit it's 10 already and i haven't started memorizing anything O.O Damn I'm so lazy!
Well, I just finished studying my instruments and ornaments. hehe :D now I'm off to study my Italian terms :DD wish me luck :P
p.s i don't know how to spell rhthym
Saturday, March 6, 2010
You're sweet(:
i love you (:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
You're like heaven;
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
When i wake up, You're the first person I think of

a towel -.- cause the more it dries you the wetter it gets. I told you it's lame .
- i have a bed but do not sleep; i have a mouth but do not speak
River cause there is a river bed, and the mouth of the river is the delta there. get it? no? okay.
- My body's taper'd fine and neat
I've but one eye, yet am complete;
You'd judge me, by my equipage,
The greatest warrior of the age;
For when you have survey'd me round,Nothing but steel is to be found;
Yet men i ne'er known to kill,
Though ladies' blood i often spill.
This riddle took some time to figure out what it was. And i got it correct. It's a needle. haha okay. That's what the picture's all about :D
Well that's about it la i guess, Wanna watch glee now
ciao ;D
p/s back to white. I got bored of white so i changed it to pink but now i think pink is too bright so I'm sticking with white :DD
Monday, March 1, 2010
I'm never alone, God's with me all the way ;D
Here i am sitting in front of my computer eating chocolates at 10.40 p.m :P
So this was how my day went ;
Woke up at 8 sharp then brushed my teeth. Went down to find for food. Ate a piece of bread and some leftover cake :DD i couldn't finish the cake so i threw it away D: then i watched TV all the way till 9.27. Then my piano teacher came so i had to stop watching and i did my theory work, after that i had to play my last two pieces then i got scolding cause i can't read notes properly ( not my fault she go and scribble that i couldn't read right? :D ) then i blamed that it was her fault :P So i gave her some of the Chinese new year biscuits my house still has, she was happy then :D After piano, i went to my grandmother's house. I ate Maggie mee cause there was nothing to eat there D: and i needed to eat something before i take my medicine or else i'll have a tummy ache ): Okay going on... Then i went to school and everything was history. Sorry, I'm too lazy to write about the things that happened in school. Nothing much la , I just threw Syafinas' shoe over to the other side of the classroom and she threw it back to me but I ducked and she missed. ahahaha. Then Mei Ping and I were teasing her about Sean Ho. hahahah. So after school i went for tuition. It was so BO-RING. I'm so glad it's over... PHEW! :P Do you know i have this HUGE ulcer in my mouth and it hurts so badly. Yeahh so that's about it.
If there is anything i missed out then too bad la :P
Well that's about it ,
I'm going now
ciao :DDD
p/s i changed the colour of my blog..just wanted to try something new. I'm gonna change it back soon though. Like i said just for fun. PINK!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
When you're in love, everything is beautiful
So I'm done with my art,
I think i need drawing lessons,
Maybe Colouring lessons too,
Okay maybe I'll just go for Art Lessons,
I bet it'll do me real good
My art today was fun,
I really had a fun time
getting messy and paint all over my body and hair,
I was very colourful after I did my art,
But the part i hate the most is
when i need to clean the stuff up.
Actually I asked my maid to help me clean the paint and clear the water
while i put my art, take the brush and paint upstairs while she do all the "harder" work
Then my dad saw my maid cleaning it
and he scolded me D:
So lesson learned today,
Never ask anyone to clean up your shit for you when your parents are home D:
So yeah now I'm done with my homework. Like all of my homework is done. :DDD I just finished doing ALOT of piano theory. Damn tired right now. I'm kinda happy though (: My homework is all done. I'll sleep like a baby! Oh shit just remembered I haven't taken my medications yet D: They're so hard to swallow cause I've got this huge ulcer in my mouth. D: tomorrow i have tuition and lots of homework to come D:
Exams are like really near. Every time someone says the word exam I get thrills sent down my back. I'm so not ready for exams and after the exams I have a theory test and I haven't studied for both D: I guess last minute studying works for me. Who doesn't study last minute? I mean it's always play first, study later right :P
Now I'm watching a show on Disney Channel. It has something to do with this girl and her dad got kidnapped. Idk (: I'm bored la nowwwww...... and I'm very cold too :D
I'm signing off from here,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Give me reason
Yeah so it's my second time blogging today D: Now this says LIFELESS. I bet if i killed myself today, it would be at the top of The Most Interesting Thing That Happened Today list.
Well it's raining now,
I guess God's not on my side today D:
Wanna know something?
Still bored from morning till now,
I hope that it changes tomorrow :DDD
well that's all now
If Only He Knew
So i woke up this morning and had a massive headache then i skipped tuition :DDD Woohoo! Then later i ate breakfast then i ate my medicine ): Yeah so enough of the boring shit, here is the interesting part...wait there was nothing interesting about today D:
As I paced back and forth all this time, i kept on thinking about you. But i guess it's a little too late huh. And now i realise that everything doesn't go as planned. Cause this ain't a fairytale and happy endings just don't exist.
Sorry for the boring posts. I don't really have anything to blog about cause my life's boring shit at the moment.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
haha no. Fishes are gay.... :D
Yes they are so gay.
When they swim they move from left to right -.- I mean what's up with that man. And did you know their eyes are really weird. Their eyes are on the side of their heads. Just imagine your eyes at your ears. Weird huh?
So anyway, I'm sick :/ It's so bloody irritating, i feel like cutting my nose off ): Yeah so today wasn't that bad. I was happy for a while then sad then happy then irritated then angry then happy again. Confusing right? I still can't breathe though.
Okay I'll go now.....i bet you're happy that i ended the post huh?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It's my 100th post!!!!
okay, so my day in school;
School ended really quickly. Like seriously FAST! Well yeah, we did segak for PJ today. And really very tiring. Then after that i had tuition and it was cold and boring. I don't know why i get bored so easily these days -.-
Facebook is like so SLOW. and i don't like it ):
Sometimes I wish that dreams could come true,
Sometimes I wish that you would notice me,
Sometimes I wish that i was as smart as Ian, (DON'T TELL IAN! :D)
Sometimes I wish i could be happier :D
Saturday, February 20, 2010
You're as sweet as chocolate (;
It was fun when we could play the fireworks i guess?
Then we decided to go to the park and play it.
So Hui Wei and i went for a walk and did some Girls Chit Chat (;
then after that we were like scared of a frog
So now after I've had my oh-so-refreshing bathe,
i decided to eat my valentines candy/chocolate that Joey gave me today (:
I feel so tired all of a sudden
I keep thinking about complicated stuff when i should be focusing on my studies,
It's like really pulling me down
Can't believe that exams are like to freaking near ):
Well let's just hope for the best :D
I miss you so much,
I want to see you,
I just wanna talk to you so badly,
I really want you to know how much i care (:
I think i really like you (:
Friday, February 19, 2010
You Will Never Know Dumb Ass
Free time to do homework too ^^
Homework homework, why must you torture me like this? You know i got plenty of pimples still wanna add on ah?
Yeah so I'm pretty excited for tomorrow cause of Jen's party and I'm gonna wear a dress, not too happy bout that but if its a must then who cares right? I mean Mei Ping is gonna wear a dress too so i guess its not too bad :D
Yeah so lets talk bout cny kay? SO BLOODY BORING MAN! For some reason this year's cny is not all that exciting. I mean it's really different this year. I just wish that things would be the way that it should be. Life's mean.
I'm listening to this song i can't remember what it's called but i use to hear it all the time in the car when i was younger and I'd love to sing along. Makes me think that I'm growing so fast. Too fast. I want that little bit of childhood back you know. Like where you don't have to worry bout homework, boys, your complexion, having fun and destroying stuff then getting away with it. Being a kid was fun. But my time is up for all those childish games . I'd just wish that i knew how to appreciate it more last time. ):
well, I'm signing off now
Thursday, February 18, 2010
You Said That Everything Would Be Okay, Well Is It?
I'm confused, sad, angry and sometimes emotionless ):
Well but i do know how i feel about one thing :D that today i had and awesome and terrific time with Joey and Jennifer! They are really nice to shop with :DD. So today i bought a dress from nichii. It's really nice according to my mum and Jennifer :D Jennifer and i walked from the Curve all the way to ou to meet up with joey. WE WALKED! It was so hot and far . Now my legs are hurting so badly. But its okay cause it was so worth it. There's pictures! but i don't think i wanna upload now. Very tired la :D you can get the pictures from Jennifer's blog (:
Friday, February 12, 2010
Well, nothing much happened in school today but its the little bits of laughter that made my day(: sigh. Holidays also have homework): I'm kind of worried for my exams though. My math especially. It's like really frustrating not knowing how to do it.
I feel kinda bad that i didn't give anyone a valentine's day gift but they did ):
Anyway (: Chinese New Year is coming . That means money and new clothes!!! I can finally wear my new clothes now. I've been keeping them for like a looong time , well not really i just bought them a few weeks ago :D I'm so excited its like only two more days.
Gotta go now! BYE!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Bananas love people
School was awful today. It was just terrible and dreadful. So bloody emotional. BLOODY is the word! I wish i could make things easier and better for me so things don't have to be so confusing. I can barely stay awake to finish my karangan and art. My eyes are struggling!!! I wanna sleep so badly...So tired ):I don't feel like going to school and facing people. I'm confused and emotional; meaning - crazy . I hate being such a PMS bitch. It's just so annoying to me and other people. Why do people have to go through this because of me? I'm done with my karangan now and I'm off to do my art. Boring piece of work and i can't use colour pencil but crayon or water colour :O I hope it doesn't turn out like shit.
I'M DONE!!!! Praise The Lord!
My art is finally done. I've never felt this happy before. Okay maybe i have but I'm satisfied and happy :D
I feel like there's something that I'm missing.
Inside me there's this hate that's boiling up and who knows what I'll do. I'm so sick and tired of people using me and only coming to me whenever they feel like it. What am I? Some kind of toy for you? I am a person and how dare you treat me like that. I may not be the nicest person you've met but at least i know the meaning of friendship.
Tomorrow I'm gonna go to school with a smile on my face. No matter what happens I'm gonna smile like a mad person. I'm not gonna let ANYONE destroy my day tomorrow.
Well, i guess we'll just see what happens tomorrow.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Pink Purple Blue Red Green Yellow Orange
I'm so happy. Just came back from shopping with Jennifer and Joey! Had an awesome time. We tried on dresses and we camwhore :D I kinda like this one dress I tried on. Kinda regret not buying it now ): but its okay...I'm planning on going sopping again and this time so gonna buy :D I also bought a present for Mei Ping! Joey and I both wore Jennifer's shoe's and they were so uncomfortable. I've got two blisters now, and its a bubble with water in it...ew! Disgusting right. Yeah so anyway I'm gonna like pretend I didn't see the table or something and knock my foot on to it. Hopefully it'll pop (: So anyway I bought nail polish. Spent three hours shopping but only bought NAIL POLISH! but it is like so worth it. Dark blue! My fav. :D
My legs are aching so badly right now. I feel happy and satisfied and happy!
One more thing before i end the post,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
This ain't a dream but even better(:
School wasn't fun at all today. It was pure bull crap and disappointment ): BUT the day wasn't ruined that easily :D I painted my nails. Then i was happy. For a while only ): Then my dad scolded me , wasn't happy at all. Then my mom made me feel much better. Then i scolded my brother , wasn't happy. And now I'm confused.
Anyway, I'm really excited for tomorrow. Alot of things to do tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER! Tomorrow I'm gonna go shopping with Jennifer and Joey! Yay! Isn't that fab or what? haha.... Crazy or not , I'm planning to do my homework tomorrow after shopping ):
I've got nothing else to write about so Bye ! till when ever i feel like blogging again. (:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A dream like never before - you
I love it when you look at me
I love it when you smile
I love it when you laugh
I love it when you talk to me
I love it when i see your name
I love it that you are always there when i look in your direction
I love you for you
p.s I CUT MY HAIR SHORT! :DD Its super cute and awesome!
p.p.s today is ian's birthday and i gave him a ninja doll.....hes kinda crazy when it comes to ninja's -.- :D
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Boy, you can't get out of my mind
You open one door another closes :(
I feel so untouched o.O hehe , its a song :)
School(homework & teachers) is giving me more pimples :(((
Now my forehead feels like a road with lots of bumps.
A never ending happy ending. I just thought of it (: very clever right? Well, unfortunately life ain't close to that -sigh . Why? For once i think i know the answer because we all take things for granted and we think so highly of ourselves, pathetic right? You see, we choose our own path, different paths but all paths lead to the same place , heaven maybe but in these different paths we come across different challenges. Maybe somewhere in the middle we might meet each other that's when friends come in and 'trust' some people back stab to strive for something they want and some take friends for granted. It's a sad thing right? Some just get lost somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Maybe that's where I am. I'm so lost right now i don't even which ones right or wrong. BUT i know what's HOT and what's NOT :D Fazriny will like this (:
Cody Longo - as sweet as chocolate (:
Alex Pettyfer
Nolan Gerard Funk :D
Jake Mcdorman
Sean Faris
Caleb Lane
er, that's all i can think of . Let me know if you know anymore :D
ohh i almost forgot my #1 guy (: STEVEN STRAIT (:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Lovers Revenge.
get it?
so we have to talk more
why do you like to 'act' like you daydream
but seriously, do you think its nice to be ignored like that
when i talk to you at least answer me
don't make me feel like an ass talking to myself
Sometimes i feel like you're not there anymore
So listen to me or else i'll just go to someone else
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My God He's Beautiful
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It's only a matter of time.
Why is does Monday pass so slowly and Friday passes so quickly?
What is wrong with teachers and homework?
Who said that dreams don't come true?
When was the last time i went for confession?
Where is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
How can i maintain straight A's for my exams?
Everything is so colourful right?
This post is gonna be colourful like the rainbow
Why do i feel so confused?It's like i want something but i don't want it. Then its like I'm happy but I'm still sad. Why is this happening to me! I just want everything back to its original placing. I don't wanna move anything at all. I wish i could have a fairytale life with a fairytale ending.
Life is every where
It is in you now and forever it shall stay
Life is the wind blowing sideways
Life and I play beneath the midnight sun
Life and I play beneath the morning moon
Life kisses me good night and greets me with a smile
Life is sad and it is lonely
Life is evil and Life is blunt
Life is a true friend and never lies
I am Life You are Life We are Life.
Life is something simple but so complex.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Oh Lord save me!
Its tough being in Form 2 but i like it.
The challenge
The hard work
Its just a week and i feel like i have been put into hell -.-
Well, i can't complain.
This is life and its just the beginning.