Friday, February 13, 2009

True Complication;

Hey,yesterday i forgot to add in sumthing into my post cause i was rushing ,now my parents only allow me to use the comp for 30 mins im like 30mins only arh better still go sleep lrh but i so rajin go on the comp and make the post and bcz i only had 30 mins (which i use for more than an hour)i forgot to write about .......shit i forgot again hehe(: haih nvm lrh .This is a damn good punishment for me.i'm guessing i have to pass my piano theory then i can use whenever i want but still got to manage some time lrh after i kena punishment again then can only 15 mins .SHIT i haven't finish my Maths h/w !!!!aiyah dont care only lrh go skool copy somebody>.<I'm done.....cya CIAO!

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