Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hey, sry its been a long time since i've updated my blog.On Thursday i went to Bg's hse again it was so fun .We watched 'MIRRORS' it was DAMN scary but Ian couldn't come and Daniel promised he will come but in the end he didn't :( So it was just Irene,BG and I and it was fun we spammed her neighbour's hse again then we went to the park and wonder off and then we walked back to BG's hse and then we went online got ready for skool and went to skool and that was it ....Then when BG and i were coming back home BG decided to ask ppl to go to her hse again on Friday then i was supposed to ask Daniel and Irene whether they can come .Irene couldn't come and when i called Daniel g'ma hse and i got scolding bcz his grandma thought that i was the gurl that Daniel always calls in the middle of the night then i was like damn pissed and i was like thinking in my head that it couldn't be me cuz firstly Daniel doesn't call me that late at night and he doesn't call me vry often and there are thousands of gurls that have 017 numbers so i didn't really care lrh so on Friday i went to BG's hse again . We went swimming more like Ian and one more guy which i seriously cannot rmb his name (: and Bg and i ditched both of them and went back to her hse then a few mins ltr Ian found out that we ditched him and the guy so he went bck .His mom called and said she was coming to pick Ian up immediately and we were suppose to be doing our Moral project and Ian's hair was still wet so he dried it and it was damn obvious that he went swimming and he just put his wet clothes into his bag and he didnt even ask for a plastic bag .When he went home his mom found out that he went swimming bcz she felt his bag was wet that means he got into trouble and bla bla bla (the rest was really boring) ...Thats all for now BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hye,man i hate pengawas especially the stupid Nava Durgha(dono how to spell her stupid name)idiot lrh she what the hell man write down my name bitch!Anyway i can't tell you what happen cause my brother reads my blog so just ask me in school and i will tell you what happen (: anyway my name is in the buku hitam dy so fast rite !!! xP bcz i forgot to do one corrections haih i dotn care lrh as long as not expelled ok with me XD. I hope this year passes fast and i hope that i wont be in the same class as Nava the bitch.......ok gtg for tuition byeeees(:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not all that bad;

Heyyy,very boring lrh now so i decided to come here and post sumthing but i have nthg to write ,Suddenly became so boring dy.Anyway today Irene,Ian and i went to BG's hse then we watched a horror movie '1 Missed Call 3'it was so not scary at all i mean when u watch it is very thrilling but then when u think about the movie again in ur head it doesnt seem so scary at all :) then we went to the Chow Juin's hse(i dono how to spell his name)then we went to the park cuz he was still sleeping .At the park,Irene and BG played on the swing and she fell on her butt i dono how tht could happen ?! then we went bck to BG's hse while we were walking bck to her hse we spammed her neighbours hse by ringing their doorbell a few times and Irene sabo one her BG's neighbour flowers .then we went into her hse continue watchin the movie and oh ya during the movie Ian was so scared i think he screamed then Irene couldnt shut up so i was like "Irene shhhhhhh!i wanna watch the movie " then she was still screaming like a mad person in my ear.After tht we went to the park again cuz irene wanted to go and it was 11 and our transporter was gonna fetch us to skool at 12 so we played in the park then went to the swimming pool and i almost pushed Irene into the pool then she was like frightened so she steped into the baby pool with her slipper then she was like"ewww now my whole foot is wet " so we all went bck to Bg's hse cuz it was 11.30 edi so we quickly change and everything then b4 Bg,Irene and i could wear our shoes our transporter came (Ian forgot to bring his shoes )Thats all bye...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Taste of satisfaction;

Heyyy,today was so awesome cause church was actually fun(unbelievable rite?...and its coming from me)So anyways i went to Church Divine Mercy and it is so big and so nice.For once the priest was not boring at all i could actually understand wat he is saying .After church i went bck to SFX for Sunday school ,so in class i did not pay attention in class cause my teacher is DAMN boring and no one ever listens to him except for the vry rajin ppl lrh so i was chattin with my fren then i noticed teacher was looking at me and i didn't care so he stopped talking and i was like 'OH THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING HIM SHUT UP ' then he said "OK everyone ,now we can take a break for 5 mins so u all can chit chat while i take the attendance so i was shocked maybe bcz of me lrh i dono i dont care so then i was like playing with my phone then he finished marking the attendance and he said" ok students pls put away your ipod's and phone's so we can continue the class" ok then i was like listening for awhile then suddenly i kinda like was lost cause i have no idea what happened to me and suddenly everything he said was blocked out of my ear(: then i started drawing on my piece of paper he gave so class ended i quickly get out of the class before he could call me then went bck home and now I'm writing this ........Byeeees(:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Not All That Hard;

Happy Valentines Day

hey,Happy Valentines Day....I know some of you ppl reading this will think that im gonna write all the lovey-dovey things.Well you guys are so right .I'm gonna write untill you puke.(lol)no lrh im not that bad (but some of you may disagree)Anyways yesterday when i came bck from school i was locked out of the hse cause i have no idea who lost the keys but i still got into the hse by using another door (: I have a feeling like today will not be boring nor interesting ):haih anyways Valentines day is gonna be great i have no idea why i just wrote that ...Ok im gonna stop here, dont wanna bore you to death.......bye(:

Friday, February 13, 2009

heyyyy,again,so school was fun and for once i finshed all my h/w and had fun doing it ,siao lrh i but the karangan damn easy man and so good tomoro no need to pack my bag cause same timetable as today (:Anyways today,Pn Puah had a big swollen eye and it was quite funnyXD hiah damn boring lrh update tomoro lrh bye(:

True Complication;

Hey,yesterday i forgot to add in sumthing into my post cause i was rushing ,now my parents only allow me to use the comp for 30 mins im like 30mins only arh better still go sleep lrh but i so rajin go on the comp and make the post and bcz i only had 30 mins (which i use for more than an hour)i forgot to write about .......shit i forgot again hehe(: haih nvm lrh .This is a damn good punishment for me.i'm guessing i have to pass my piano theory then i can use whenever i want but still got to manage some time lrh after i kena punishment again then can only 15 mins .SHIT i haven't finish my Maths h/w !!!!aiyah dont care only lrh go skool copy somebody>.<I'm done.....cya CIAO!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

3 words 8 letters 1 meaning;LOVE

Heyyyy,valentine's day is this Saturday.....ummm OK im not gonna write much bout tht cause its on every one's pm and im like OMG everyone is like obsessed with Valentine's day so anyway im not gonna talk about tht at all NOPE...ok so today was kinda interesting and funny.Pn .Puah was so fierce and she was like"everyone keep quiet ,if u want to talk u go outside" sumthing liddat lrh,then she everyone was so quiet then she started teaching again....When she was going round to see who didnt do their work ppl were just finishing their work(me too) when she was walking i could see her bra strap !!!O.o so i told Joey and Bridget so we were laughing then i decided to tell teacher about her bra strap and she was so surprised anyway she was laughing too and she went to the bck room in the science lab when she came out she was laughing and asked us to keep quiet IT anyway she was abit cranky today maybe she should take some PMS pills oh ya today Cik Phang was ok lrh but she could chill more (: but she give damn alot of h/ done byeees(:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Freakin' teachers with Freakin PMS

OMG school is like so more mood to study man........some teachers come in then like start scolding us edi...........especially Cik Phang,she seriously need some PMS pills man she damn bad mood lrh this few weeks...Haih other then tht the other teachers quite OK lrh....Oh ya,today Pn Puah was like suddenly so fierce man and those tht didnt finish her h/w she was like scolding damn alot and then after marking our work ,we passed it up and she was like checking it then she saw those who never write something lrh i wasnt really paying attention to what she was saying cause too busy chattin then she shouted(LOL) and she caught everyone's attention ......It was like damn surprising, i mean she looks damn cute and suddenly this fierce person just came out of her.Joey,Bridget and i were so surprised bcz we normally laugh bout how cute she is and suddenly she b'come so fierce so that's all and i think the reason why Cik Phang is so damn angry all the time is bcz our class is damn chaotic I think..... i guess thts it...ok gtg ciao!!!!(:

Monday, February 9, 2009

White Rose

White Rose

In the storm
Stands the white rose
tumultuous waves
of destruction abound him
Yet tall is the white rose
strong in the face
Of the sensed doom around him
And he does not bow down
Pure is the white rose
In the compost earth
growing eternal strength
in the nights that so hurt
I see not the white rose
He is so far away
But I long to protect him
But only the words can I say
So I send him my words
And my poets heart
To help him when
there is hope to see him through
Be Strong little flower
Your heart will guide true
And as long as you want
I will always talk to you

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Being afraid means you have something precious to lose!

Always and Forever
I love my friends,
I love them all,
through thick and thin,
to have and to hold,
I'll love them forever,
no matter how small.
They'll be in my heart,
my love last forever,
and runs deep through our souls,
I will always be grateful,
whatever may happen.
As memories fade,
our love shines through,
none can compare,
this love that we have,
will always be true.
Always and Forever
A very dear friend
Never the wrong way,
Always saying ok.
Loyal and truthful,
Always there beside you,
Surely useful,
Help make things right,
Squeezing you out of situations,
Will be there,
Day and night,
The feeling never burns.
Best friends like no other,
It doesn't matter,
When they're beside you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.
Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.
Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.
Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.
So remember this,
Carved on a rock
Are three simple words,
~Bye Syahmi~
You know i'll miss you(:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You're so Gay!

Lol....i was listening to some of Katy Perry songs and suddenly i heard this song "You're so Gay"....then it suddenly remimded me of Nicholas Ooi the biggest gay dude in the school maybe.....well anyway thts kinda it posts are getting so lame ..

Oh ya and school is starting tomorrow and i still havent done my h/w thts a bummer ummm but i guess i'll just w8 till tonight then i'll do it(:byeees

Oh ya,i almost forgot
~Happy Birthday Andrew Tan~