Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I crave for insanity

What if i played you like a toy? Always never giving you the answers you want. Well you're like that. Grow up. And don't try to deny something that you said. You can never take it back. I will never stop asking. Although it wasn't meant for me to hear it but you still said it right? And people don't seem notice that, so they treat you like hell of a great person -.-

sigh ): Shaun ripped my shirt -.- A huge hole now. Have to throw it away unfortunately. But luckily today we have PJPK so I could changed. It isn't something you'd like to look at.

Haven't been to school for a couple of days cause I was sick. I'm alil better now. Went back to school today and got hyper with Aqila. Super funny. We tried climbing trees and stuff.

I'll get over myself when you grow up and face facts betch. I know who you are -.-

shit bastard, burn in hell for all I care

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I just have to cry you out;

Ever have that feeling when you hate someone and ALL your friends start getting close with that person? I do, and it really sucks. It's like the world has turned on you ): It's a million times worse than dying. Actually, I don't mind that either :/

I don't particularly like it when people say stuff like "me no likey you" or "me likey you". It irritates me. And if you say it too much, my brain malfunctions and it goes akjhdlgfiwakqdfjklvheiobfwacegf (: So I'll probably just smile and change topic before that happens.

I'm so not prepared for my piano test. I'm freaking out! I'M A DEAD DUCK! ;P gay ass. I wish I was a pro pianist ;DD Well we all wish for many great things in life.

Seek and you shall find,
Ask and you shall receive,
Knock and the door opens.

Church was quite nice today. I actually paid attention (: SEE, I'm nice and humble and cute like a rabbit cause they're small and fluffy and they don't bathe as often as my brother. In fact, they don't bathe at all. I wish I could be like them. I don't really like to shower :/ lazy (: yeah back to church. It's soooo niceee laaa. I tell you, it really helps alot. When you're in need turn to God! Well not only when you're in need laa. You have to give him thanks and everything. God is like you best friend y'know. He may be quiet at times but he's working his magic secretly behind your back trying to help you ;D and He will always be there for anyone, you just have to open up to him (:

So I was reading the bible today and somehow I never knew that there were so many interesting stories in there ;D I'm forever changed ((:

I cannot stop blowing my nose ): and I keep having nose bleed cause I blow my nose too hard :D haha.

I've been emo this past few days cause there is like NO ONE to laugh at. I wore a hairband to school and Dharmiisha and Lecus kept on looking at my forehead ): I have a big one btw. ((: means I'm smart ^^

And Jun Wei may have a sweet and innocent face but there ain't anything sweet and innocent about that dude. He's rude and doesn't care what other people think. So I've been giving him life lessons (: I know you're thinking I'm not exactly the kind of person you should take 'life lessons' from. Well first of all cause mines f*cked up and kinda my fault and other betches too.

According to 'some' people, I have become bitchier -.- yeah thanks alot. and how's your life? oh great? yeah that's cause you stole all of my friends. BETCH! i hate you -.-

I WANT A NEW PHONE!! So many choices((:

your fault, i hate you -.-

Me no likey blogger ):

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Don't complain,
you have everything ,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

sick, twisted, brilliant?

Somebody cry me a river, so I can drown myself in it :/

I like you.
But you are very selfish,
You only think, talk, worry, care about yourself,
You may be nice
but I know you're a real betch inside.

Ian is now seated at the back of the class :/ FML

I have noone now

Monday, July 19, 2010

Irene Rocks socks :P


I will believe in everything I do. Somehow that's suppose to make me feel happier but didn't work. FML :/ School is so bloody idiotic la ): Things will change, i hope.

So today was the first day sitting next to Audrey. I miss my old place so dearly. If only if only... ((: Ian doesn't really talk to Yo Kie tho. Well, we're still in the process (: When I step into class, I automatically look at my old place )': It's so hard to talk to Joey now. And I can barely see Liann or HuiJune. AND Sean's head keeps blocking every time I'm talking to Joey -.-

I'm a happy person, at times. It depends.

In fact, I'm actually a bitch/witch according to someone. He says that there's no difference when it comes to me. yeah of course I got angry. Then I got sad, then angry again.

Hmm, yesterday I went to ou with Joey. Fazrini couldn't go ): She had some family emergency.
It wasn't that great. I only liked the part when the vampires and ware wolves were fighting. SO COOL! ;D

So many HOT guys in this world. but non in my BM tuition )':

OMG OMG tuition so super funny maaann :DDD We laughed so much. heeee(: i made friends. Well actually that's cause I was too SHY before Lianne and Audrey came. Now I laugh like crazy ;D Brandon and Callum are such idiots (;

I have to breathe without you but I have to. I'm taking it slowly.


you know it's never simple or easy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Scratch my foot (:

So weird right the title? (: I always tell Ian that the bottom of my foot is itchy and I'm always unable to scratch it :D

sigh, sadly we're changing places on Monday.
Everyone is talking about it in school.
Our teacher is mean.
So yeah, now, I'm really far away from Joey and HuiJune.
We're like all the way across the classroom ):
look on the bright side (: Ian is still near me ;DDD
He's in front of Audrey and Audrey is next to me ((:
hmm, but I'll miss all the random talks and stupid jokes.

It's been so super fun sitting with Ian, Joey and HuiJune.
sigh, well we're just changing places, it's not like we're changing classes
so I don't see why I'm so sad about it
maybe cause I've been sitting with them for 7 months?
Although Ian and I fight a lot
but it's kinda fun ;)

So yesterday was my schools headmistress' retirement ceremony or whatever you call it
It was really touching
even though I don't like her
but it's always sad to see someone leave ):
And the performances wasn't all that great either.
I heard that the morning session did WAY better.

So now I'm kind of looking for a new phone
at first I wanted the Xperia x10 cause I like phones like that(:
but then I checked it out and it's not all that great
so any suggestions? (:

I wish I could stop but it's not that easy. I'm working on it tho ):

hmm, byeee(((:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tell me the story once more;

I feel bad :/ forgive me, please

Hmm, as usual I always forget what I wanted to blog about. So in the end I'm stuck with this :/ So I guess I'll just have to talk about school.

School is okay only la. Could do better. Still hate a lot of people. I always wanna kill myself each day I step into class. ladada. and life just got even better ( i don't really mean that )

I'd give anything to live in peace. School's can just go and die in hell man. Hate it so damn much.

Tell me a reason why I should be nice? Well actually there is no reason. Being nice or not is up to me. And somehow I chose not to. Why? Because I'M NOT NICE! that's why. so PHARNEYY hor? :D I'm actually kinda half dead right now. headache sucks so much. I don't wanna go to school cause I'm too lazy.

My tuition teacher says that I do not express myself enough when I write and I need to be more creative. -.- I'm not creative at all. I suck at being creative, if that was a subject I'd fail on the spot. Oh wait, there is a subject for that. It's called art. Well I failed that too(last year at least)
So the next time I write an essay I'll do it in CRAYON kay? then that'll show my creativeness ;DD

The last time I freaked out
I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking about
HUI WEI! I miss you so darn much. I wish you were here so I could tell you everything. I need you so much now :/

Steal my heart away from me, it's no use to me anyways :/
I changed when I fell in love with you, now I wanna change back.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

So many words for the broken hearted;

I went to Tesco this morning ;D

Damn bloody boring I tell you,
My mom was on the phone for half and hour
and we were just standing there waiting for her to finish -.-

y'know the place where they sell fish at the back?
I almost died.

Then suddenly this lady in a funny outfit came running to me and said this in Cantonese "miss, where is the place where you check the price on this thing?" PRAISE THE LORD I understand Cantonese but sadly I can't speak properly so I replied in English ): but she got the message :D

Well it was quite boring in Tesco. NEVER GO GROCERY SHOPPING! EVERRR! really very boring.

Hehehe, y'know school is sooooo funny! Especially Joey, when she thought that Jesse Mccartney died LOL.
I couldn't stop laughing
It was seriously hilarious(((:

During KHB we were talking about ex-crushes, more like Liann and HuiJune (:
So then I cannot remember how we got started talking about Ian.
Then HuiJune was like , his eyebrows so thick eeyerr.
OMG so damn funny laaa.

sigh, school gets better with these people around(((:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'll say a little prayer for you;

I don't how to describe things right now. I guess they're better. One problem less? I guess so ;D

School is really boring by the way ): It could do so much better. And Shaun is so sick -.- asking people about their bra cup size. BITCH.

anyways, don't wanna spoil my mood because of that. My keyboard is like so retarded(: its super long and huge. I'm so not used to it yet. I can't barely press shift and bracket ): LOL
Thank you for coming clear with things. You're a real man after all (: That doesn't mean I like, like you tho.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

There's too much going on in my head;

I want everything to stop and rewind to last year and never having any memory of this year. It sucks so badly every night I pray for it to just disappear. When will the sufferings end? I miss all my old friends, I miss everyone in 1 cengal. We all bonded so well. Everyone of us talked to each other (: I want it back.

So anyways, today I learned in Sunday school about the key to happiness. I personally liked this topic. I mean all this time I've been trying to make myself happier but I always fail and for once I actually listened in Sunday school (:

So the real question here is:-

Is happiness something that has to be learned?
Yeah, in fact it is. Well most people may think otherwise. Instead they believe that happiness is having what they want when they want it. All of us wish for happiness, it's like our one true desire in life; to be happy. Well have you ever felt not fully satisfied after you've gotten what you wanted? Cause I've felt that way before. Like there's this empty feeling inside? Maybe it's too small to notice but it's there. All the time.

It takes wisdom and goodness to know where real happiness lies. Sometimes we find happiness; sometimes we don't.

I found happiness in my friends. It's fun to be around them but somehow there's still something missing. I feel happy but inside I'm still sad.
I'm so sick and tired of being sad all the time. It's like 24/7 sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. Everyone is getting sad nowadays. I can tell that Ian ain't always happy inside. And Joey's pain, it's like I can feel it for her. There's too much sorrow among us. I wish I could change things.

Joey and Ian are awesome friends not to mention HuiJune as well ((:

I won't hate you for what you didn't do. I brought this onto myself. But you're still leaving me hanging here. You can't avoid forever. And the more you avoid, the bigger this hate for you is gonna grow. So I only have one thing for you, get the hell out of my life.
