Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There's something about you that's so addictive.

I have a pimple on my chin ): It's not really important because you can't see it unless I look up which I would probably not be doing anytime soon.

So I decided to skip school today. And my phone likes to lag. I seriously need a new phone. So it's PMR now and everyone is so worked up about it. Well I mean, I get it, it's clearly a really important test but what I don't get is why people get extra worried for this test. Our finals are also an important test. It's just a test.

Anyways, I'm just sitting here waiting for something to hit me with something to write about.

Sad songs get to me. Like seriously get to me. They're such evil poops. I don't know why I just reflect songs to life. I know it's weird but whatev.

I tried cutting my fingernails with a scissors yesterday. It was my first time! Kinda difficult to cut but it was worth the experience ;DDD hahah.

Darn it! I haven't done my art yet and it's kinda due today D: That's kind of the whole reason I didn't go to school today and also the lazy hormones. ;D I was suppose to do it today but unfortunately I didn't.

I hate hypocrites. In fact, I am a hypocrite myself. I do bitch about people and pretend to be their friend and I hate it. I just hate it so damn much. I'm not that kind of person that do these kind of stuff. I hate being this bitch that I somehow am. I hate being the person that I am today. I just hate it. So much anger and hate I have for people. I'm not this person you think I am.

Why am I so invisible? Am I that easily forgotten? People think they understand what I am going through, it may seem like nothing to other people but trust me it's a heck lot. Don't try to pretend to be my friend, I'm not blind. But lately, I don't know who the hell I am.
I guess this is it for now. sigh :/ God alone knows how long it took me to write this short post ):

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